Prophetic Word

(Originally titled “Word of Encouragement”)

January 10th, 1990

There is coming a darkness on the Church like never before. Deceivers, and those being deceived. Walk in the Light and the darkness will not overtake you as one who was unprepared. The accuser of the brethren is seeking to be called the devourer of the brethren. So encourage one another while it is still called today, ministering grace that will help in time of need one to another.

Remain steadfast in the Word of My righteousness, immovable so that the wicked one touches you not. Giving him no place in your life, private or professional. And the Son of righteousness will arise bringing you with Him to the table that is set before Me, cleansed in His blood, whole in His purpose bearing His name in your foreheads that proclaims you as My possessions — belonging solely to Me.

So resist all temptation to veer to the right or the left. Keep your eyes fixed on My ways, which will always be in line with My revelation, which is My Word. Don’t be afraid of sudden destruction that may appear close to your doorstep, the name of the Lord is a strong tower — run into it and you’ll remain safe from harm. Maintain your own relationship with Me and I’ll lead you in the paths of righteousness for My name sake.

Confusion is an enemy that will take the lives of many, but if the Lamp of My Presence is ablaze in your heart you’ll walk right through all entrapments meant for destruction, victoriously, unscarred, without even the very smell of smoke alighting your garment.

Praise will lift you above much of the enemy’s workings. Confessing My Word will give it thrust, but heartfelt worship will cause you to soar high above even the highest peaks of the devil’s mountainous endeavors.

Ah, but I seek those who will worship Me in Spirit and Truth. Unfortunately there are only a few who make the life commitment to pay that kind of price, though it be not really a price once you taste and see that I am really good!

The desires of the flesh has nothing on Me, but you’ve got to come, you’ve got to come and see!

Ha, ha, ha says the Spirit of Grace, I’ll take you there, into the Most Holy Place. Just touch Me with your faith and by Jesus’ blood We’ll go to the Throne of Grace.

Come on, I’m here to see you through. Just believe My Word and watch what We can do. I formed the Worlds at the Master’s command, surely all you could ever need is held in My hand. Call for it, desire it and it’ll be yours. Ask anything according to His will and it’ll be yours.

I’m sent to comfort you, to teach you and to show you things to come. Now rise up and take your place in God’s Son. He’s called you by His grace and anointed you with power to demonstrate His love to those who live this hour.

Time will pass and many will fall, but those who triumph will answer His call.

Be strong and of good courage, I’ll help you in every way, to be the man or woman of God you need to be in this day.

Taken form: “Prophecies and Poems Volume One”

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