Archive for the ‘Prophecies and Poems’ Category

Just a Whisper Away

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

Much of the time when a poem is given to me I’ll start to get the first line. Then I’ll turn on my computer and begin typing. The rest will just flow out as I type. The following is an example of this, written Sept. 6th. 1994.

I’ve gone through many friends in my life.

Lord knows, I’ve seen a lot of strife.

Sometimes I’m not sure what it takes to please us.

But then there came a day,

when salvation came my way

and I found a forever Friend in Jesus.

You see, I knew all along

He was the music to my song,

yet I refused to sing His chorus.

He so patiently endured

the rejections He incurred.

How can one wonder if He’s really for us?

Even now I sing off key,

while He teaches patiently

that we don’t have to be perfect to serve Him.

So I let His comfort in

and let the healing process begin.

Then together we get back on track to win.

Please meet this Man from Galilee.

You know, He died for you and me.

He’s not an ogre as some would have you think.

He gave His life so we could come

to the Father Who gave His only Son.

Now the wells of salvation are open for all to freely drink.

There’s so much more I could tell

about the One Who saved my life from hell,

volumes couldn’t hold all I would have to say.

One thing I know for sure.

When it comes time to endure,

my Friend is just a whisper away!

The One Who Lives Inside

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

This is the first lengthy poem given to me. It came during a time of depression. I personally think the devil knows when there’s a call on your life and he try’s very hard to keep you from walking out the plan of God for your life. After all he cannot steal the anointing from you (he’s not the one who gave it) but if he can keep you from walking in the fullness of what God has provided then he has nothing to worry about. Depression is one of his favorite tools to use on us, but thanks be to God who ALWAYS causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus! He has provided weapons that are not carnal to cast down reasoning’s that are contrary to His plan and purpose. One of these weapons is the gift of prophecy to speak encouragement to yourself. This one came October 27, 1989 at 12:30 – 1:00 a.m.

When it seems so dark and lonely inside — vacant and hollow, empty and blind. There’s no one that’s near you, they’ve all gone to hide.

Yet that soft gentle prompting from the Greater One within, the nudging that tells you to draw closer to Him.

“It’s in the word, you know, the grace that’ll set you free. That flow of eternal life that only comes from knowing Me.”

So I turn to the Holy Scripture to get my fix from God above.

And what happens?

My God, He fills me to overflowing with His love!

It’s not fun getting bitten, mauled and scratched at by the snake. At the time your life feels like it’s going through a major earth-quake.

You don’t want to reach out to others telling them what you’re going through. Somehow you convince yourself there’s nothing they can do.

I thank my God for the Friend who sticks closer than a brother.

For like Him — there is none else — that’s it, there is no other!

So learn a lesson from times of heartache my friend. Jesus is the only One who truly loves you to the end. When you feel bad because you finally broke down and cried. All you have to do is look to the One who lives inside.

Thank you, Jesus!

A Word Before RHEMA

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

This Word of the Lord came to me one night in my apartment after I had just registered to attend RHEMA Bible Training Center. Specifically it was 12:19 a.m. on September 12th. 1986 (I knew you’d want to know). I’ve heard Bro. Kenneth E. Hagin say many times that the Lord will give you these things to help you through the tough times…he was right!

Oh in the midst of adversity

when things seemingly aren’t going my way.

I can look unto Jesus,

my love,

with His arms open wide

and hearing Him say:

“Michael, My son,

be of good cheer,

you would not have made it this far

had I not brought you here.

When trials and tests

come up against your faith,

take your rest in My arms of love,

I’ll always give you what it takes.

So look up,

press forward

and fight the good fight,

despite what the enemy has cried,

for when you look back

to these days in remembrance

you’ll know

I was right by your side!”